I remember Petey Schibetta, an implied made guy getting molested a few times. Any cases of actual prison rape on made guys? Sorry to take OC talk in here.

On topic: I see bits and pieces of Oz here and there. For what it's worth, Wikipedia does great recaps and character profiles that really help someone with memory problems like me. That's one thing Wikipedia does really well, is HBO articles. Something like 100 character profiles for reference. I've never personally been able to sit through more than a couple episodes. It can really depress you. One episode that stuck with me was the pilot with a gangster named Dino Ortolani. The ethnic slurs he threw out were highly exaggerated. Dialogue wasn't too realistic. But ultimately the portrayal worked when it was shown he was a necessary representative of the new school of gangsters, and a lesson in how not to survive in prison. In this sense he was kind of a plot device, but once you get to know Nino Schibetta it really works. These are the kind of guys who answer to a mob boss these days. I liked it.

And thanks for the Chuck Zito quote, Mickey! That's...surprisingly reassuring.