I think crime is a way of life. Period. Its a lifestyle as much for a petty thief as it is for a criminal genius. They want something for nothing, and will fuck you over to get it if you stand in their way;

People forget when they talk about the cartels in America that these are really trans-national enterprise syndicates at heart, and although a fair part, America is the definitely not all of its market; its exports to syndicates in Europe that send their drugs around the world. Dollar for dollar, their drug economies return far more on bad days then the average modern day LCN rackets.

LCN is nowhere near as strong as it was in the early half of the century, thats universally agreed.

Even still, we often read about connected bookmakers in NY running books that bring in hundreds of millions a year. Pretty impressive right? True, in NY at least, the mob is neither dead nor defanged.

Well the cartels bring in billions. Even split into so many factions, a fraction of that profit is still far exceeding the

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 09/13/11 04:52 AM.
