Originally Posted By: LuanKuci
'Ndrangheta is the taking over from Ontario.
They have established at least 7 'ndrine in the GTA.
Hamilton (ON) has a big one too. There are also rumors of a "silent" 'ndrina based in Thunder Bay.

Salvatore Montagna lives in Montreal now. Wonder where will the Bonanno stand in this power transaction.

Its not a rumour about the one in Thunder Bay actually. They do exist, but they were dormant for a long time apparently. According to articles I have read they made new members without the approval of higher ups in Toronto and pissed them off. A high ranking guy from Calabria flew over to help quell tensions. You have to wonder how they came up with new guys to make up in Thunder Bay. Heres one article:


If you'll notice in that article it says that the Ndrangheta has been in Canada since the 50's. In that sense they are only referring to the Siderno group of Toronto. The smaller ndrinas in Ottawa, Thunder Bay and London may also be included in that. This is the group that still maintains very close ties back to Calabria. When they say there is 7 ndrangheta clans, thats just the Siderno group. All other Calabrian mob families in Canada are not included in that.

As far as Hamilton goes, Calabrian mob groups have been there since the 20's. They, along with the Montreal Calabrian faction, are much more Canadianized than the Siderno group, which even though has been here since the 50s, most of the high ranking guys are imported from Calabria, I believe, and they dont have made guys who arent from(or their family) Siderno. In Hamilton and Montreal you are more likely to find more mob guys who are born and raised on this side of the pond, and they arent consulting with people back in Calabria. In Hamilton they are likely still closer with Buffalo.

BTW, not saying you or anyone else reading the thread didnt already know that, I just posted that because a lot of people tend to just lump all Calabrian mafia groups in Canada in together as one massive Ndrangheta group, made up of different cells, all working together, when thats not really the case. Im just trying to provide clarity for those who are not as familiar with the Canadian Mob scene. Different groups came to Canada at different times, and aside from the ones that make up the Siderno group, the rest are all separate from each other, though there are definitely alliances that have been forged, i.e. Luppinos of Hamilton with Violis and Cotronis.

As far as Montreal and the Rizzutos go, it seems obvious that Montreal/Hamilton Calabrians are heavily involved, and it wouldnt surprise me if the Siderno group was involved too, but I dont thinks its a guarantee. And I dont think Montreal would just hand over control of the city to the 7 Ndrinas of Toronto. I would think the Montreal Calabrian group, headed by the Cotronis, is in control of Montreal now.

Cant forget about the D'amicos of Granby, another Calabrian group, who knows where they fit into this.

Last edited by Mick2010; 09/13/11 12:24 AM.