So Im about to start the fourth season again, having watched it every episode again from the start. I love it. Its soap opera on a grand scale, a brutal melodrama.

Its like even though at first some of the acting and characterization can seem a little wooden and "over the top", you still come to embody a particular character/actor with those same traits that mean you almost cant see them as anybody else (since they each had long enough to really develop their characters)

Adebisi is one of those guys I hated first time 'round (I would get super high, turn the lights off and literally freak out every time that dirty predator came on the screen. Not only is he devious, he's practically a criminal genius within the series, farsighted beyond any other inmate. "...and Adebisi got a new hat...." one of the funnest lines in the series. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje is/was a driving force behind Oz for a fair while, and his character cast a long shadow over Emerald Cty and Oz.

Ryan O'Reily too; perhaps the most manipulative and devious character on the show. This time around, for some reason, Im seriously rootin' for the guy. At first my opinion was galvanised; O'Reily should have approached Schiabetta about taking out Adebisi, instead the other way around. But more and more Im seeing how its really all about his best interests. And then him and his brother, damn, can you imagine that? Bein' with your little brother in a place like Oz? Goddamn...

still, like I said, melodrama. Except they play it up to such an epic scale, with the whole concept of the prison rape, that "feminization" such a pivotal and crucial aspect.
