Good in the way that the Sinaloa Drug Cartel isn't fighting the Tijuana Cartel/Arellano Felix organization, I think most of those dead are between independent street dealers and not the cartel themselves. Little by little the violence will go down and eventually there will no almost no violence like in the old days, I think eventually the remnants of the Arellano Felix organization will go join the Sinaloa Cartel. I don't think the Arellano have a ground in retail drug sales in their own city, it's probably independant street fighting each other or either Sinaloa or maybe Arellano associates cracking down on independents.

Also Tijuana is a huge city with lots of people, so it isn't that bad, it's just like some cities here in the U.S.

Last edited by HermitKermit; 09/06/11 11:08 PM.