Originally Posted By: Mob_Scribe
Albanian, particularly in the Bronx, were a know factor in OC activity. They initially made their mark in heroin dealing and were rash enough to threaten prosecutors, even Giuliani, with death although nothing came of it.
In the new book Mob Killer about Charlie Carneglia there is a section in there about an Albanian from the Bronx who didn't care who the Gambino family was. He wanted to get his money back and is said to have threatened even some members of John Gotti' crew. The Albanians have a tough reputation in New York, even squeezing the Lucchese family out of gambling areas, but the community isn't large enough for them to rival the Five Families.

Yes and then he turned rat. John ALite cared who the Gambiono's were when he went to them for help after being threatened by a store merchant. Alite was a small time hood who made threats and was then put in his place. He then decided to rat on his former associates when it became clear his future was bleak.

Last edited by Mussolini14; 09/05/11 07:07 PM.