Originally Posted By: LuanKuci

The Tocco family can be called the "most succesfull" crim family of the US.
No serious indictments in the past 10 years, no cooperating witnesses and all members are blood\marriage releted.
If you don't hear about them in the news it doesn't mean that they aren't out there making money.

If you want to believe that, it's your choice. But no indictments tends to mean little activity. More indictments tends to mean more activity. Why do you think there are always indictments in New York but none in Milwaukee or Denver?

And I'm aware of that Detroit mob video that came out, where the ad calls the Detroit mob the "most successful." But that really isn't true. Nor is the article about the family recently posted in another thread, which says they haven't slowed down. Not surprisingly, both come from some of the same sources.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.