Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: botz
I believe Ivy was meaning the albanian crew associated with the Gambino family the Rudaj gang that colided with gambino and Lucchese crime families, Other albanian criminal groups in America just pay a tax to the mob maybe, but in Detroit they seem to be big its kind of hard for F.B.I to keep up with them cause of their language and not many rats.

I've never read of any independent Albanian groups paying a street tax to the LCN. Simply that some work for the Italian crime families as enforcers, burglars, etc. My main point was that the media, as it often does, over-hyped the impact and scope of the Rudaj organization. It's a cyclical thing they often engage in since the "new overthrowing the old" makes for good press.

Kinda like how the Russians were touted in the nineties as the sexy new threat that was moving in on LCN and the American underworld, cuz they were so violent and ruthless that local OC didn't stand a chance.

In reality; sure they operated in the States, but it was mostly finacial scams and drug op's. And there are relatively few actual cases of LCN and Russian OC groups conflicting.
