Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
...I mean some of Oz is really on the verge of being too much for tv.

Hell yeah Nicky. Some of the most brutal viewing to this day.

Wanna hear something fucked up? One time I was at home, kickin' it with the missus and watching Oz (she's really into Kirk Acavedo for some reason, go figure) when out of the blue mu Uncle and Aunt rock up for a visit. They were "in the neighbourhood". They have three little sprogs, my cousins, who upon arrival were clamoring for attention and clambering into my lap within seconds. I reached desperately for the remote. Of all scenes, it was that one where "Killer" Keller (Christopher Maloni) is in the hole and shows him taking a huge piss into a bucket (and as a bit of trivia, apparantly it was the real thing) I couldn't turn off the DVD fast enough, and had to endure some serious awkwardness.

I guess it coulda been worse. It coulda been Schillenger's rape of Petey Schibetta, aided by axle-grease *shudder* Or Beecher's prison bitch make-up. Or assorted other prag and sodomy references.

Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo

I think the actor who portrayed Schillinger did a tremendous job, very nasty but yet also funny at times.

JK Simmons. Great actor. Check him out as J. Jonah Jameson in the Spidey franchise, the dad in Juno and the CIA boss in Burn After Reading. Also a small role in I think its I Love You Man with Jason Segel and Paul Rudd. He's on the screen for like four minutes for throughout the whole movie buit cracks me up like crazy every time.
