KC is one of those Families. Certain people will swear till they're blue in the face that its still going strong, and that no significant indictments over the last few decades just means that wiseguys there have perfected the art of evading the law.

Although there may be a few made guys getting around (very slowly with canes and walkers) or a couple guys still keeping a book, it does not mean that there is still a formally structured heirarchy and organization. By this point, if anything the KC Family is a "glorified crew".

Having said that, there has been some recent charges and indictments centered around the Sansone brothers and their bookmaking operations. They are related to Tony Ripes Civella. Also, if I remember correctly, indictments involving a relative of Willie the Rat, although I may be wrong about that last one.

In any case, the days of a properly structured LCN cell are almost definitely long gone. I handful of bookies a Family doesn't make.

Check the archives dude; there's a bunch of stuff posted on the Sansone's and others. The search function really takes the work out of it. smile
