Originally Posted By: rossato
i still think he would have flipped ... he knew he was facing a shit storm if he got caught ... n had all that time to think of stories he could tell the feds to try get of haha that backfired on him big time

well also i think he saw the incredible deal gravano got and once he saw he had no future left on the streets if he ever got out he figured he could talk to the feds and maybe get a similar deal like sammy, casso said the feds offered him 6 years, they offered sammy 5 i think, but we all know how things turned around

but i do believe him that soem of the things he told them contradicted stuff sammy said and in essence questioned the gotti conviction so they railroaded his deal, etc plus it didnt help casso also got into a fight with a few other rats while in protective custody

"In one instance, he assaulted a handcuffed prisoner in the shower room. On another occasion, he attacked an inmate twice his size with a rolled-up magazine. The 350-pound prisoner grabbed the 165-pound Casso by the shirtfront and beat him mercilessly until guards tore them apart. "

this guy was big sal from the colombos


"Casso also sweet-talked a prison secretary into doing favors for him, including giving him use of an unmonitored telephone. Casso also “bribed guards at the Otisville Correctional Facility to supply him with cash, steaks, sushi, turkeys, vodka, wine and other contraband.” "

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.