when i was young in the early/mid 90's my dad and godfather (his bro) had a small business (bodega) and hey used to have joker pokder machines in the back that all the junkies/drunks used to spend their money on, recently i brought this up with my dad and he was like the machines belonged to some puerto rican drug dealer who was working on behalf of an "italian"

Well last year while I was visiting my godfather at his small business in the bronx some Albanians came in and basically wanted to talk with him about putting some "popular machines in his store" aka joker poker machines once they spotted all the cameras, etc and the fact that we had no interest they left

btw i am hispanic (dominican) but born and raised in nyc

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.