Originally Posted By: rg
Seems like alot of u philly guys have close ties to the mobs. One kid hung out with Merlino.. Others have seem to met almost everyone in the mob.. Can you guys tell me the everyday life these guys lived.. Summertime it seemed all were in Margate..

Daily Routines if any..

As much as Staino gets abused, the guy got up and went to work everyday from what GA says.

What did Merlino and the boys do when he was boss? Staino, Lucibello, Lance, any of these guys..

Also, nobody ever tells stories about Borgesi. Any good ones?

Probably the same daily routines of most mob street guys. In his book, George Freselone described it as hanging out for hours a day, often with people you may not particularly like. Mob guys spend a good deal of time eating, bullshitting, etc. Back in the day, Joey and the younger guys loved to go clubbing.

But on the business side of things, especially for the Philly mob which is basically a street operation, it's the standard gambling, loansharking, and extortion rackets. Monitoring the bookies who you oversee. Or collecting the street tax from the independents. Collecting the weekly vig from shylock loans. Sending guys to pick up the money from the poker machine routes. Sometimes maybe checking on a load of stolen goods. Maybe a little drug action on the side.

And I agree, seems like a lot of people give Staino crap. I think it's because he doesn't have that hardened street look. He doesn't have those "shark eyes" that a guy like Massimino does. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I imagine Staino must be fairly capable if he was one of the top guys under Ligambi.

From what I've read on the other forum about Borgesi, most consider him a real hot head. To look at him, he's a relatively small guy, and doesn't look imposing at all. But people say that's why he has the temper he does. He's had to make up for what he lacks physically by being extra mean. Supposedly he can hit really hard. And he's been involved in his share of murders, so he's no joke. The question is, is he willing to keep his mouth shut and stay in prison after he was supposed to be getting out next year?

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.