Originally Posted By: yigido
... required to marry relatives of other made men so the chanse of ratting or rebelling against the family would be minimum.

...because they wouldn't just be flipping against other guys in the Family but actual family members. Its a tactic the Nrdrangheta as well as some of the most succesful families have used.

But as Phat said, despite still having a few guys getting around (very slowly) they're on their last legs. Of course the staples (bookmaking/loansharking) are still gonna be around, and as Lilo and others pointed out in a recent thread, with a focus on street and gang crimes, a small, tightknit family involved mainly in bookmaking may well attract less Federal attention by keeping their collective head down.

HOWEVER; as Ivy always says, so few significant indictments over the last few decades most likely reflects the level of significant mob activity in said city. So they'd likely be more on the level of places like Buffalo, Cleveland, and Kansas etc.
