Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
XxX Darling baby!! So tiny! And Goombah, I got the red X too. I followed Beth's suggestion and it worked. Such a doll. Man, he seems to be growing so quickly. Seems like he was just born. Both beautiful babies. smile

My daughter is due Jan. 15. I can't wait. smile She has two girls now. We are all wondering what this one will be.


Thank you! I just gave my son a haircut today - it's not a super-short buzz, but it's short enough. He looks a lot older with this cut. As my wife stated at dinner, he looks like he's the bully of his class. lol He's doing great though - healthy, happy, nearly walking completely on his own. My daughter is a total joy as well. I can't believe how blessed I am to have these children.

Jan 15th is not that far. I hope your daughter is feeling as well as can be expected. I can't wait to hear the good news whenever it occurs.
