Yes, a young man who's perfectly healthy and fit to work should never be unemployed for an entire YEAR. That's completely ridiculous and does indeed equate to milking the system. I mean, I see 16 yr olds with zits and glasses flipping hash or sweeping floors all the time at malls or restaurants and you're telling me a grown-ass man can't find ANYTHING for 365 days???

What about waiting tables or bartending??? I know waiters and bartenders who bring in over a grand a week. Construction sites??? Whatever. There's plenty of work for a virile young guy who wants it.

LN isn't stupid, either. He's obviously a bright guy, and that's where some people get in trouble. They don't want to work jobs that they feel are beneath them or their qualifications.

As far as your situation, SB, again, it's about not being afraid to perform jobs you feel are beneath you or your expectations. It's not easy for someone who once made 6 figures to go to working the Clinique counter at your local department store, but those jobs ARE available, IF you truly want them.