Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
Guys as we all know Greg DePalma was in Gaggi's crew. He supposedly got his button in 1977. Does anybody know who he wacked, since he was in Gaggi's violent crew he must have participated in some of the above, no?

not necessarily. I dont know a whole lot about Greg - didn't even know he came up in Gaggi's crew!(never read Making Jack Falcone) but if Gaggi had a team of heavy hitters at his disposal with a tried and true method theres no need to involve someone like Greg in shit like that. Greg could have been more of an earner/moneyman/schemer than a killer. A lot of guys, even some associated with violent crews, have never killed

That list Ivy posted above is great. Imagine what a favor Andrei Katz would have done to the world if that ambush on "Chris" Rosenberg was successful? One could only imagine. The murders that hit me the hardest on that list are the Vincent Guvanara, Nicky Guido, and that poor 18 year old traveling salesman. Jesus...