Affirmative Action; color, not character, clueless what makes America tick. Individual freedom, may the best man (woman) win isn't his game - it's everybody grab a shovel!
Typical broken family results; (subconsciously) blaming looney tunes mom for chasing lefty jerkoff (fuck'em & leave'em) dad; depriving him life's anchor, identity's source.
Without father's guidance developement stunted making it difficult to recognize, understand his personal limits, love who he is.
America's greatness stems from individual achievement, going it alone, risk taking, but his grand schemes - higher taxes, DeathCare, more government - come from an unaccomplished, naive, angry, tortured man unable to stand on his own two feet.
Bottom barrel unamericans - anyone else here worship (white hater) Rev Wright - reside in our White House, spineless congress; country in full throttle collapse; socialist obamacare wrecking economy, goodbye middleclass lifestyle!
Lost in himself; not a man's man, a Hawaiian tourist roaming Hells Angels' turf.

Do your best, we only go around once