As we all know, James Hydell was murdered by Anthony Casso as retaliation for an unsuccessful attempt on his life.

We also know that James Hydell was pulled over and picked up by the Mafia Cops (Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa) and taken to Casso. According to Philip Carlo and interviews with Gas, he tortured Hydell until he gave up Angie Ruggiero as having passed the order and the names of the other shooters.

I was reading Sammy the Bull's FBI debriefing documents, and noticed something in there about the murder of James Hydell. According to Sammy the Bull, Jimmy Failla and Joe Corrao were taken to where Casso had Hydell to hear it for themselves.

I find this tidbit fascinating. I have read elsewhere that Jimmy Failla and Dan Marino were plotting with the Chin to have Gotti killed, where upon they would take over the family. I have also read that the Chin and Gas were working together to get Gotti as well.

It is also clear that Failla and Corrao were not Gotti fans.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.