Originally Posted By: Danito
Of course, these aren't political protests. Or maybe politics is just their excuse for the violence.
BUT: The social injustices in the big cities such as London, Manchester and Liverpool have become unbearable. Young men rightly believe they are unlikely to ever get a chance. A baseball bat is cheap.

Being from the UK, I think 'unbearable' may be a slight exaggeration. A lot of countries, including the USA, have it far worse in my opinion, but I do agree that there are social and economic factors that have contributed to these people being disillusioned and wanting to rebel against the machine – indeed some looters even came on the news to cite such ’problems’ . If these problems had manifested themselves in some other way, ideally through peaceful protests, but even via more extreme methods, such as targeted damage to government buildings, though still despicable and condemnable, I and other people may have been more considerate to their plight.

However, when you going out robbing and looting local business’ and members of your own community, it becomes impossible to search for any decent political motivation to their actions, you cannot provide any justifiable ‘reason’ for their behaviour aside from them being ‘thieving little ********’ , which is in my opinion is entirely the case.

Their conduct will in fact counteract any political movements or developments they claim to wish to further. For example, the initial riots protests were to do with abuse of police power, well now, as result directly of the riots, the demographic is calling for police to be given even more power, in order to stop another situation like this from occurring.

At best, when the dust has settled, their actions may have caused people to ask the question ‘what is wrong with our society that people will act in this way?’ but this would only be in the manner that football (soccer) hooliganism or the heroine/crack epidemic begs the same question. Hardly groundbreaking activism is it? Having the same political impact as a crackhead!

In summary, I’m just reiterating your point that these are not political protests, merely vicious thugs out robbing and stealing. There are issues and social injustices in Britain which need addressing however, I refuse to consider them in relation to these riots. They don’t deserve it frankly.

Last edited by Immobiliare; 08/10/11 12:32 PM.