Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
No, Sonny. You're 100% right; that's the "final draft," as far as I know. And I've searched the Internet far and wide over the years.

I know it's confusing because I keep referring to it as an "early draft." But I only do that because there were so many changes made to it, it seems like an early draft.

You know what would be great? If they'd come out with "The Annotated Godfather Part II," like they did with the original a few years ago. That would answer a lot of questions. And I'd REALLY love to see the first draft! No one ever brings the first draft up here, but I'd love to see if Clemenza was going to betray Michael the same way Pentangeli did (if you call what Pentangeli did a betrayal; some people don't).

A screenplay is mostly made to act as a "guide" during filming anyway. Even the latest official draft doesn't necessarily have to be the definitive version. If you compare the final screenplays of many movies you will likely notice that many scenes didn't turn out to be literary the same in the film as being described in the script. The director will always make some changes and/or add artistic license.

But I'm very positive that FFC filmed most of the scenes that you will find in the screenplay. After filming of part II was completed, I recall that there was something like tens of hours of film material. Many of those scenes didn't make it into the film or even the made-for-tv "saga".

The editors of the Trilogy (especially Part II) really did an incredible job. I think their importance to the crew is often underestimated. Without them, The Godfather Part II wouldn't have been as good as it is.

What's fascinating is all the material that didn't make it into the film or even as "deleted scenes". You would find it suprising how much there actually is stocked somewhere that's never been seen by anyone except the crew itself. They could make a mini-serie of it.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."