Originally Posted By: Palomita20
Originally Posted By: phatmatress
and palomita...i think a caramandi movie would great! i liked wiseguy better than goodfellas as well. why did you say that about spider?

Definitely agree with you concerning the Carmandi movie, I think a movie about the Philly mob, pre and post Bruno would be top-notch. Another good book that I think is better than the movie is "No country for old men". Liked the movie but liked the book more, I'm probably in the minority on this. Concerning "Spider" Gianco, it has never been proven that anyone with this name has ever existed. No relatives have come forward, nor has a missing person's police report been filed on him or a certificate of death issued. He does not exist on paper or anywhere, only in Hill's story and most likely only in his mind. This is documented. Once a liar, always a liar. This is not in dispute either. Of course the powers that be look the other way when it suits them.

oh yeah i agree!!!!! hill is a big liar although i do find him interesting! of course not now...but his mob life made for a great movie. i never knew that spider did not exist but it dosent suprize me!

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!