Originally Posted By: goodfellahenry
http://www.gothenryhill.com/ my real web site i bet you watch goodfellas when its on

Personally I like the book wiseguy more. Goodfellas is a good movie, no doubt, but alot of it is fiction including the Spider character who seems to have been a figment of your drug and alcohol addled mind. Also, nobody in the mainstream world cares about who Henry Hill is, they just like the movie because it was directed by Scorcese and featured Pesci and DeNiro. It could of easily been about Caramandi, Barboza, Leonetti or any of the other cowards who maimed, pillaged and than go crying and pleading in their high-heels and pink tutu to whatever tree gives them the most shade.

Your "website" is a desperate money grab. Seeing as you are a functional illiterate whose reading and comprehension skils are below that of fifth graders I don't blame you for your pathetic and desperate attempts to cash in on whatever appeal you have in certain circles. Also, I've seen the girl on the youtube video with the little brillo head/half moo-moo running around. That woman is a skell if I've seen one. Hope you're making enough money so she can shove all that h into her arm and/or powder up her nose. Also wouldn't want anquan to go without air jordans so keep selling those paintings.

I'm sure your family will be happy when you finally take your long and one-way trip to the neverafter. At least at that point the worms can put you to good use and your family can finally say out loud, "that pos was an embarrassment, but he was our embarassment and we've had to suffer through his arrests and shameful behavior, good riddance".

One question. I've been told that Ed McDonald, the ADA who you worked with, asked you to perform fellatio every day at the end of your debriefing sessions. eek Is this true? If so that would explain why you drink so much.

In conclusion, you are human garbage and example A of why DA's and FBI agents are pieces of garbage. They gave you protection? Lol, the only thing a white-trash, alcoholic, drug addict, cockroach like yourself deserved was to have been put of his misery. Instead they gave you more time to be out and about ripping people off. Hopefully one day you rip off the wrong person cry

P.S-Whether or not this is Henry Hill is open to debate but if it is... grin