Cooking with Pooh?? Ewwww! Yea, one would think a person would think twice about that title. lol

As far as MTV, Geoff are you thinking about the Madonna's "True Blue" video? I don't know about "Papa Don't Preach" but I do know my girls who were in middle school at the time, made their own video of True Blue for the MTV contest.

They practiced with a couple other neighbor girls. It was a like a constant 24/7 over and over again dance routine. They dressed in garage sale type clothes (not far from how Madonna dressed at the time LOL.) They bickered over who would be the main "Madonna" character. We tried to work it out where everyone had their "Madonna" moments. LOL This went on for weeks in my garage. Imagine hearing that song over and over and over.

We rented a video camera lol and shot the video. It wasn't professional looking at all but it was the best we could do. It came down to the wire and we only had a couple days to send it in by the deadline. Well, we overnighted it so it would get there the day before due. We got it back a day or so later saying it didn't make it in time. mad

We couldn't tell the girls after their hard work. We watched, as they watched eagerly to see if their video would be played, knowing it wouldn't. To this day, the STILL think it was sent in and that it was possible it was played while they were in bed or not watching. A long kept secret. Ha ha


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon