He def. flipped you could tell by GA's demeanor on this weeks mob talk that the feds have put a "gag order" on the issue.Once its a fact and not hearsay the local investigative reporters will have a field day with it. A discovery and tapes I think are coming soon, the discovery will paint a clear picture. I saw phat and ontario discussing jail talk and what not ..Whats the difference between the info in a discovery compared to the the inital indictment .just all the tapes, and evidence the procecution legally turns over tot the defense, with this being a superseeding incidtment I'm anxious to see if what way this case can go, have a feeling there going to drag their feet with it

Random Poster:"I'm sorry I didn't go to an Ivy-league school like you"

"Ah I actually I didn't. It's a nickname the feds gave the
Genovese Family."