I meant to post this weeks (months?) ago when this topic originally came up; anyhoo...

In MAFIA: THE GOVERNMENT SECRET FILE... there is listed under the "Maryland" section what seems to be the nucleus of a small Gambino crew. I say crew because all four men are listed as associates of each other, and Gambino because at least two of the four are listed as known associates of Frank Scalice. The encyclopedia is centered around mobsters the Treasury Department suspected to be involved in drug-traffic; incidental was the evidence of bookmaking and union racketeering.

I think back in the day, heaps of Families literally had a "man in each town" (not "each" of course, but you know what I mean) Especially in the older days, when the immigrant communities where that much tighter and people knew a lot more people.

Of course, times change, and that genral attrition factor always does it. And with the scale of decimation seen in the Five Families, four Italian guys in Baltimore wouldn't stand a chance, made or not.

Besides, we've all seen The Wire. The only Italian character on that show is the cop they send to the psychic, Dellasanta or something. Interestingly though, the character known as "The Greek" states during the series run that he's "...not even Greek..." He looks a little Italian to me...?

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 07/26/11 06:06 AM.
