Well to answer the question my man Dapper, Domenic transferred in the late 1960' early 1970's, not the 1990's. The Columbos are now the 5th largest out of the 5 New York Families, but under Joe Profaci, Joe Columbo, and Carmine Persico, they were consistantly the 3rd biggest in earnings and strength. Enrico "Henry the Referee" Tameleo transferred over and was Raymond Patriarca's Consigliere until Joe Barboza put him away on false charges. And I believe Nicholas "Nicky" Bianco was a Columbo transfer as well. Raymond was a well repsected guy with New York, especially the Columbo's and the Genovese's. But Raymond knew Columbo guys well and always had men at his disposal with them. But these transfers did not see the wars ahead.