You know, people talk about the children or teenagers of today and how they lack any kind of manners and respect for others...their parents, teachers, classmates, you name it. It's worse now than it's ever been. But who is to blame? is anyone surprised that a 13 yrs old kid is being told every second (literally) on youtube to go kill herself and all kinds of other descriptions I better not write? should you be surprised or is that normal reaction online, simply because her song or video is very stupid? is there any reason to worry about this generation of youngsters, or do you think most of them are pretty normal?

Perhaps there's a difference between those who think it's just funny to call her Satan and stuff and those who truly think they HATE that girl....but either way they all visit her songs on youtube only for the sake of throwing another nasty comment. And then there's also those guys who send her death threats to her house, and that's when police gets invovled as well.

Rebecca Black, a 13 yrs old kid who had this dream of being a famous singer, is now the biggest boxing bag the world has ever seen. Her first song/video "Friday" was very silly, then it turned viral, and everyone just wanted to see this "worst song ever" and there you have it, over 200 millions viewers on youtube. But that didn't stop there. Millions simply kept on hitting the page day and night with endless nasty comments, because hey, it's a trend. Anyone can box and have fun. Biggest boxing bag in the world. Besides the comments, the more creative folks posted some funny remakes of the video, but of course many of those videos were also very offensive towards the girl. All that continued until one day the vid was taken off.

Few days ago, Rebecca launched her new YT channel alongside her new song "My Moment". Needless to say millions hit the dislike button automatically. It's quite better than "Friday" and there's really not much to hate about it, but people who told you to die last month are not likely to say anything else when they see your new vid. In fact, their boxing bag is back for round 2. What joy! they'll say "PLEASE JUST STOP", but between you and me, they LOVE to hate her.

This "hatred" is so ridiculous in the first place. What are the reasons to warrant such hatred? the reason is an innocent song, silly as it is, and a silly video to go along with it. So should this hatred be taken seriously? or do you think it's nothing to worry about? is this kind of cyber-bullying harmless? the girl said she cried at first, then she got over it, but is she the only one to worry about? what about those millions of attackers? they are the majority. I don't know for sure if they are all kids and teenagers, but I guess most are.

Just so you'll get the picture: in less than 3 days, the video was seen by 12 millions worldwide. Today I was there for one minute to see how it goes and get this: youtube told me after 1 minute that there are 60 new comments since I've enterd the page, a new comment each sec! so I went over the last pages quickly to check it out, and there was only 1 single comment which wasn't nasty in like 10 pages full of comments. They all seem pretty useless to me, but I guess that's how people vent...nevermind what they say about this 13 yr old girl...

Bin Laden was a sweetheart in comparison...

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)