If Micheal had been Don at the time of Sollozzo's offer do you think he would have accepted?

We already seemed to have established that Micheal was a different Don to Vito, Vito being of the Mustache Pete old guard. Micheal being younger and having a head 'for big deals', do you think he would have accepted the turks offer which even Vito described as 'generous'?

I think this is a particularly valid question as there is much debate surrounding Vito's reasoning for declining . Vito felt that he would lose a lot of his political contacts if he got involved in drugs - Tom Hagen had already countered this notion when he said the money generated from narcotics would buy more political power for those involved in it. The fact that Mccluskey was swayed by the potential money to be made with Sollozzo perhaps also negates Vito's decision? Sonny also seemed very keen on the proposition.