Originally Posted By: TonyG
The moral thing to do is to lock up anyone involved in violent and non-violent crime.

disagreed not all criminals are bad people. sometimes drugs, alcohol, financial security, and mental health all play a part in non violent crimes. if this country had as many dif rehab facilities as it did prisons it would be a better place. i was once a heroin addict who sold the drug to strictly support my habit. after being set up by the drug task force, i was given an alternative program called drug court. (pm if u wanna know what it is or google it) i'm so grateful to have this program in my life. it keeps me under a strict watch but also helped me change my thoughts and my actions greatly. not trying to be preachy! just thought i would share some of my expiernce, strength, and hope with you. (i've been through many correctional facilities and never learned a damn thing and never tried to be a better person. jails and prisons do nothing.

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!