Originally Posted By: BarrettM
I know it's a controversial opinion. But if the feds were completely moral they would avoid catching Ligambi because for once, here's a Philly boss who doesn't kill everything that moves. Call me a fanboy. But I hope this isn't true.

Barrett, I almost always agree with you and find your posts informative and accurate. I have to disagree with you here.

While Ligambi's reign has not been as violent as Stanfa and Scarfo, one murder is too many, even if the victim is a criminal / mobster. The moral thing to do is to lock up anyone involved in violent and non-violent crime.

My uncle was a bookie and loanshark. I want to believe he never got violent, but the truth is he almost certainly did.

We are all collectively interested in LCN or we would not be here. I do not think that makes you or anyone else a fanboy. I also think it is natural to pull for the proverbial bad guy every now and then, and Ligambi falls into that category for many because he has been viewed as a strong, quiet, old school boss.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.