Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I started out calling myself AnnT but saw what great names others had chosen. When I was fairly new, a member who called himself "Eddie The Plumber" pm'd me and I thought, "wow what a great gangster name. After seeing such original and cool names I thought I should come up with something better so I changed my name and the rest is history. lol

We've shared a lot here guys and this board has become a home of sorts, to many of us. Heck even Camillus Don came out of hiding....and that's something. wink

Geoff, thank you for giving us this entertaining fun site to hang out it. You're da man!!!!!!


lol That is right, AnnT lol....and then the rules changed so you couldn't keep taking a new name after a period of time. People would open new accounts then and Don Geoff would get mad. Was Don Geoff paying by the member back then?

It seemed like we had to delete things so the space that he had wouldn't get filled and slow things down to a crawl.
Then everyone wanted pictures and that started a whole new set of problems. lol

"Well, old friend, are you ready to do me this service?"

"I believe in America. America has made my fortune."