The Summer of 01-
Seems to me that I recall that we had member numbers back when we first started?

Most of the guys used DON---- in there names or took the names of the people who were in the book or movie.
Such as Don Cardi, Don Siclia and then there was Turnbull (who was a good man whistle) who always posted great posts.

The gals didn't. You had BethE of course and AppleonYa and Saladbar.
I see BethE and AppleonYa on here still.

The boards were plain, no avatars, just names. Everything was new to us back then and it seems like we spent hours on here each day.
This kind of getting together on the "world wide web" was fresh and so interesting. Talking to people from all over the country.
Things were so much slower and the computer cost so much more. In fact I think were use to pay by the hour for service. lol

lol Nurse is it time for lunch yet? lol

"Well, old friend, are you ready to do me this service?"

"I believe in America. America has made my fortune."