Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Mussolini14
All it takes is for the guy who calls the shots to say " you know what, I feel street gangs, and drug dealing is the biggest threat to the public so I am going to allocate the majority of our resources to fight that element" and immediately you have a recipe for less indictments involving the mob.

Exactly. The bookies and loansharks that mostly make up what's left of the Detroit mob isn't a big investigative priority.

Of course the other explanation could be they are in fact dormant or extinct. The point is lack of indictments does not in any way mean lack of crime.

How much time would have to pass without any evidence of significant activity before you wrote the family off?

That's a good question Ivy, I'm really not sure. What do you think? The last indictment was in 2006, at least according to the article in the OP.