And I never said you could compare them. Never even mentioned Johhny Changs name. The Changs have been in the game forever and I agree that he is the natural leader. But to say that STaino has no leadership is not factual when hes been there for all of the reign of ligambi which really has been the best reign for the philly mob in a long time. You basically are agreeing with all I said except for the fact that you think Staino has no leadership skills because he was never locked up. You do know his family has always been involved...Junior was around forever. I do think Johnny would be a better boss then Stevie but Stevie is a stand up guy as well and was Merlino's choice from what we are hearing so I don't think there are any hard feelings. I never said Staino was boss material but I dont think many of the guys left are besides Chang and Mazzone that are on the streets.

My parents moved to Washingtown twp...i am still in south philly. I also know 10th and Oregon very well as my family have all hung on that corner when they were growing up. They don't control a certain area in south jersey. They are basically a drug gang in south philly only at this point that move stuff in to jersey as well. Most of south jersey like deptford, washingtown twp, sweedsboro, williamstown, etc that have rackets... are mob rackets. But there are also other bikers in south jersey...that have rackets of there own. So it is to big to be controlled by one family but the philly mob has done a better job of it in the last 10 years and now we see NY moving in.