Yesterday (June 22) I was listening to WFAN, Mike Francesa, (sport talk radio) transmitting from the Hartford Open where he was covering the charity golf event before the PGA event. He was talking to Joe Pesci about various golf charities and he asked Joe what was coming up in his film life. He, DeNiro and Pacino were going to be in a Scorcese film, I believe the title is "The Irishman", based on a book, the title I'm not sure....something like "Passing a Painted House"...anyway, about the assasination of Jimmy Hoffa. DeNiro plays the Irishman, Pacino is Hoffa and Pesci is Russell Bufalino, the mobster who puts out the hit. Sounds cool, but aren't these guys getting a little old?

Side note: Russell Bufalino is from Northeast PA, coal mines and things like that and a well-respected crime boss. One theory purports that Bufalino was instrumental in the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. My wife's uncle was the mayor of Exeter, PA a town within Bufalino's control. In the area there is a prominent law firm name Bufalino, but I'm not sure of the connection. The uncle was "friendly" with the Bufalino law firm. When my daughter was applying to colleges, Villanova was on the top of the list. Uncle said give him the word and the Bufalino's would get her in. Thank God she made it on her own.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12