The only person who knows what truly happened was Favara. The Gotti women have proven themselves to be mob apologists and all around liars over the years, but you can understand their bitterness towards the guy.

As far as John Gotti: Even if he was wrong in killing Favara, karma got him in the end. He died a ten year miserable death in prison. The Favara family can take solace in that.

So the same way that you empathize with Frank Gotti's family for their bitterness, that's the way you should empathize with John Favara'a family for theirs. If John Favara were my father, those pictures of a cancer ridden John Gotti rotting in jail would make me absolutely fucking giddy.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.