Originally Posted By: Lilo
I think LeBron will get a ring eventually. It takes time. I think he's still younger than Jordan by 2 years when Jordan got his first.

Sometimes people just have bad games/bad series-remember "Tragic Magic" in 1984?

Fair point, but both of those players (and for that matter Dwayne Wade too) played college basketball. Jordan and Magic also played and won a national title in college.

LeBron's biggest problem is that everything about his game has come easily because of his natural talent. He was heads and tails better than anyone at the high school level, so he was never challenged until he reached the pros. But he's never had to be mentally tough. He ALWAYS caught a break in Cleveland with the excuse of "yeah, but look at the talent around him." Now LeBron has clearly run out of legitimate excuses.

His confidence was clearly damaged in this series and he could not let his natural ability to shine. Whether he wins a title or not, he still is the biggest reason why the Heat did not win this series. He played very well most of the season until this point. But when it mattered most, he CHOKED.