Originally Posted By: rg

This is why the Philly mob is the most interesting and i love following it.. WOW.. Check this videeo out.. Mazzone is going crazy on Phily Ligambi and Anthony Borgesi right on the street corner.. Looks like Mazzone is the acting boss..... There may be another internal war on the rise in philly.. Check the video out.. whats ur take guys?

I don't think they were discussing the Philly's pitching staff and box score from last night.

It sure does look like Mazzone is doing all the talking, but whether he is laying down the law or defending himself, who knows.

I wonder how Fox got this shot - awfully lucky for some newscasters to pick it up, especially since they are usually in vans with the station name plastered all over it. Instead, I wonder if a citizen picked it up on their phone or if it was given to them by the cops / feds.

No way there will be a war. As Lucky used to say, it is hard to make money with a gun in your hand. Now, it is even harder with 24 hour Fed surveillance.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.