Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
Has anyone seen the latest mobtalk with Joe Ligambi wearing the "Top Job" t-shirt? Ha!

They also speak about Ligambi being caught on wiretap, which goes back as far as 2000, when he, Massimino & Staino muscled in on the video poker business. What's interesting me though, is that some of the tapes came from Frankie "the Fixer" DiGiacomo, who was wired for sound on an occassion where Bent Finger Lou Monacello actually brought him to Uncle Joe's house.

Bent Finger Lou might have some explaining to do, eh?

Every time I see footage of Bent Finger Lou, I can't help but feel uneasy about the guy. If I was running a criminal organization, I wouldn't be going near this guy. I wouldn't be surprised if Ligambi went against his better judgment here and is now kicking himself in the head over this. If he's on tape talking about loan sharking payments, which he seems to have done here, then I'd seriously consider working out a plea. The good news for him is the fact that this isn't a very serious case. If he's lucky, he could get less than two. However, with the judge he has, that could be a stretch. We'll see what happens.

"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies." - Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008