This thread is for all those awesome but obscure and underappreciated songs that are diamonds in the rough, gems under the sand, gold inside the shit, etc. They've not received as much exposure as the hits or radio-populated tunes for many variables.

Maybe they got buried in an album and never received a singles release, or they were B-sides or they were singles which failed to score the Top 40, or were considered by DJs too long or too weird for radio airplay or hell maybe never even released. Different stories, all the same fate.

A good example...

"Thru & Thru" (The Rolling Stones)

Some of you SOPRANOS fans probably recognize this as that song played in the series 2 finale's ending. It came from the Rolling Stones' 1994 album VOODOO LOUNGE. Like any post-80s Stones album, it was OK and got complimentary reviews ("Best since _________!"), went platinum, and accompanied by a tour which of course sold out arenas/stadiums worldwide.

But this track, which inexplicably wasn't made a single, is in my mind an unheralded classic that should be mentioned much more than just Stones fans. I really put up there with the Stones' best work from their "glory days," among their most unashamed bluesiest efforts. I mean Richards here is just kicking your ass, taking your name, then kicking your ass again just because he can. This lyrical moment specifically gives me a chill:

""...cuz now I got those/fuckin' blues/yeah I got those/awesome blues.....""

Like really the best musicians of their generation that reformulated pop music in the 1960s, the Stones are still out there recording and touring, maybe their best days are behind them. Actually they are. But that doesn't mean they don't still occassionally pop out a jewel here and there if you pay attention. "Thru & Thru" is a wonderful reminder for why the Rolling Stones are the goddamn Rolling Stones. Fuckin' Blues!

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 06/02/11 09:26 AM.