Interesting about Tore Scafidi He did his time down here in Florida outside Miami and he apparantley went into the halfway house in Miami when he got out.I thought that was kind of unusual but I figured he wanted to stay out of Philly because of his brother.But with him in Miami and Merlino in West Palm Beach what a coincidence,stay tuned.Joey Pung also did his time down here in Florida at Coleman right outside Orlando.I thought I heard on 1 of the mob talks that him and Anthony were also down here but I guess not.Speaking of Staino he should have just gone to his uncle Ralph for the bail money,I heard when he got locked up years ago he had over a million dollars hidden in his walls on S.13th ST.I can't wait to see what Georgie is going to do,if he gets hit with another 8-10 this could get real interesting.