Originally Posted By: PhillyKid
Veasey was never a capo, what are you smoking? Veasey reported to Martines. The only person who's ever referred to him as a capo is Dave Schratweiser, but he calls everyone a capo or captain.

The Capos under Stanfa were Luigi "Gino" Tripodi, Salvatore "Shotsie" Sparacio, Joseph "The Nodder" Sodano and Vincent "Al Pajamas" Pagano. Veasey's mother also happened to be italian.

Stanfa should have appeased the Merlino/Ciancaglini faction as they were already operating before Stanfa became boss. He made a bad move making Joey Ciancaglini the underboss considering he had a falling out with his brother and Merlino in the 80s.

Was this Dave Schratweiser? Link. I remember hearing him referred to as a capo again in a news report where he talks about his life after the mob and torturing a guy with a power drill. To be honest, I don't know why they even let him talk about that on the news, or if it is even true, I suspect it's exaggerated. Although I could be wrong, I have a habit of mixing up my sources.

This is just a personal theory about where Stanfa went wrong, none of it proven. Stanfa's other mistake was even making Merlino to begin with. Maybe Stanfa thought made ceremonies are a simple reward for good work or good earning, and nothing more. But of course, there's a reason you don't go around inducting cowboys in to the family. As a made man, Merlino could technically start stepping on associate's toes, he could technically become a boss. That was good enough for him, we all know what happened.