Originally Posted By: BarrettM
Mad Sam had a wife? That poor, poor woman. Unless her name was Aileen Wuornos I imagine she was forced in to that coffee trick.

Evidently, pissing in the coffee was not the worst thing Sam ever forced on her. According to American Mafia (American Mafia):

With DeStefano around nobody was safe. At one point, as he was riding in his car, he saw a black man walking down a Chicago street. DeStefano forced the man into his car at gun point, took the man to his house and forced the man and his own wife to have sex with each other, all for some real or imagined grievance DeStefano had with his wife. Afterward, the black man was so mortified and scared he was going to be accused of rape, he went to the nearest police station and reported the incident.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.