Some of the more entertaining quotes I've read have come from Mikey Boy Paradiso.

"If I use my hands, I might kill somebody. Because I'll kill him. I'll stab him. I'll cut his f-- throat," Paradiso was heard saying on an FBI bug three months ago about an unidentified antagonist. "When I get mad, I'm just a different person. I don't rationalize, and I don't like to get like that. I really don't and ... rip his head off."

And now my favorite quote of his....

"I told her," Paradiso said, "I did 19 years with ni***rs, and I had better Christmases, Thanksgiving, and any holiday in there than I had here, because every time I'm here your husband got a f-- attitude that one day I'm going to shoot him in his f-- head and you going to make me crazy and I'll end up shooting you too."