Originally Posted By: spmob
We are all well aware...thats my point. That is the only reason why he received bail...and its $1 Mill because of that threat. Give me another good reason. And dude...John Gotti was 20 years ago...
My only point is, nobody in his inner circle would get bail in this case besides Staino. The other nobodys did but there not going to let the Boss out on bail nor known mobsters who have a criminal history nowadays here. Staino recieved bail because of his clean criminal history point blank. That threat was the only thing that Gregory Pagono, his lawyer, thought would hold up bail. And Pagano argued that the threat was from 2003 and no violence came of it. You don't have to understand it but that's the reasoning.

I get the reasoning, but logically it would make more sense to keep somebody locked up when you got that somebody on tape making death threats. Even if it was years ago, it's still part of this case. Now, do I think he should've been denied bail? Hell no. As weak as this case appears to be, they should all get bail. Prior arrests shouldn't even have to be a factor. Especially in a case where there's no violence involved. As far as me bringing up John Gotti, who gives a motherfuck, it's an old case, but it gets the point across. Bail hearings have a way of being ridiculous.

"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies." - Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008