No, what's truly sad is the bad name this guy gives to Christianity and the truth of the Gospel. NORMAL Evangelicals believe in an Apocalypse, but not all believe in a rapture. Among those who do believe in it, there are even various schools of thought as to what point in the Great Tribulation it will occur: Pre-Tribulation (the most popular, and obviously this guy's take), Mid-Trib, and Post-Trib. But even among all that disagreement, all NORMAL Evangelicals will tell you plainly what Scripture says, ""But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."--Matt. 24:36. [I myself, believe in the Second Coming (that's different from the Rapture) and an Apocalypse, but not in the Rapture; ergo, I believe Mt. 24:36 refers to the Second Coming of Messiah.]

The whole point is not predicting whether there's a Rapture, when it will be, etc.; but rather, whenever the End comes (and I believe it will), BE WATCHFUL and BE READY. This guy's fiasco does nothing but make believers look like mindless morons and cause everyone to make light of a day that will inevitably come (the Apocalypse). Sad. It doesn't offend me personally, because "but for the grace of God go I"; but it makes me sad for the countless who don't believe at all, and, thanks to people like him, never will. frown

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)