Originally Posted By: PhillyKid
Merlino is no dummy, Tony. You're talking out of your ass. You don't becomes boss by the age of 32 and beat every murder charge by being stupid. Merlino is a sharp guy...is he a flashy guy? Yeah, no doubt about it. Most young, rich people are.

Philly - you are entitled to your opinion, just as I am mine.

I think Skinny Joe is an idiot, just like anyone else who chooses a life of crime, I mean "the life". But you go on and admire all you want.

Skinny Joe was not "elected" boss - he murdered his way into it like so many other Gotti like, knuckle dragging goons.

I have more respect for the strategic and tactical leaders (Costello, Gigante, Lucchese, Gambino, etc). I do not think anyone would characterize Skinny that way.

Please, share one if you care to enlighten me.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.