Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli

Randy Savage was part of the later, "new breed" of pro wrestler. Steroided to the max, and more theatrical and over-the-top than even Gorgeous George. I still get a little bit nostalgic for the "old days," I have to admit.

Not just all that, but also the expectations for more "workrate" in the ring, i.e. more "spots" (super body slam, turnbuckle jumps, etc.)in an average match than was expected of the Bruno generation.

Compare say that Savage/Steamboat match (arguably the greatest Wrestlemania match) with say a Bruno match. You'll notice a whole lot of differences, obvious and subtle. (Same way you can with a 2010s match with an 80s match.)

(Probably one of the chief reasons why wrestlers since the 80s and afterwards have died in ridiculous #s, which wasn't the case with the Bruno generation.)