Originally Posted By: BarrettM
Mussolini, the informant Nick Caramandi was my source. Not sure if he belonged to Salvie's crew officially, but Caramandi was taking orders from him. He implied that Salvie took loyalty to LCN to the extreme - when the Riccobene faction in a technical sense, disobeyed the family, he planned to tear them to shreds. When Enrico Riccobene (an innocent) killed himself once he heard Salvie had been looking for, he loved it. The way I see it, Salvie was absolutely about following the rules and destroying anyone who didn't. This Caramandi quote can tell you the rest.

Salvie had nerve and he didn't care who he killed. Sometimes we used to go [on a contract] and we'd come back and tell him, "Well, the kids were in the car, the family's in the car.' "I don't care whose in the car', he'd say. 'Everybody goes.' That's the kind of guy he was. One Thanksgiving Day he wanted use to go into Sonny [Mario] Riccobene's house where Robert Riccobene was havin' dinner with his family. 'Shoot everybody in the house'. But he and Charlie [Iannece]] and Faffy [Francis Ianarella] made up some story that he didn't show up. Just to appease Salvie. 'Cause we didn't go for killing kids. It was something we drew a line with, but he (Testa) was just so full of venom that he didn't care. He was a guy made for 'this thing.' He loved it. He lived it.

i honestly can say that imo i think that caramandi maybe the most reliable snitch that the mob ever turned out. he just seems so real in interviews and dosen't seem fame seeking like sooo many others.

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!